I specialize in counseling women and young adults in a variety of areas. Some common concerns my clients have include:
Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMADs) affect one in five women and one in ten men. PMADs include much more than just postpartum depression, and they can look different from person to person, or even day to day. Maybe some days you're making it, even feeling okay. Other days, the sadness, anxiety, or intense, scary thoughts feel all-consuming, like you're drowning. You might tell yourself, This isn’t THAT bad. All new moms feel this way; this is normal. I should be able to figure it out on my own. If I ask for help, people will think I’m a bad mom. But you CAN feel better! Counseling is a safe place for you to talk about your experiences, even the thoughts and feelings that make you feel ashamed. I am a mother to young children myself, and I understand the struggle as you transition to parenthood. I can help you adjust to your new identity and new life with your baby, and share evidence-based tools to help you cope with difficult moments and feelings.
There are many types of grief. Grief can mean grieving the loss of something you had, or the loss of how you expected your life to be. Infertility and pregnancy loss are unique types of grief that are often misunderstood or even unseen. You may feel a loss of control over your body and your life, feel betrayed by your body, or question your beliefs. You might ask yourself, How can I be happy until I have a baby? Every comment or social media post a friend makes about their pregnancy or children makes you feel more alone; reminders of your loss are everywhere. You are not alone. I have experienced infertility and pregnancy loss myself, and I am sensitive to the feelings and needs you are experiencing throughout fertility treatments, loss, and making difficult decisions going forward.
A certain amount of stress is normal, but in some phases of life, it can interfere with our lives and keep us from thriving. You don’t have to struggle with mood and anxiety disorders alone! I employ Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), skills from Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), and other therapeutic techniques to help you identify and change the feelings, thoughts, and behaviors that are holding you back. EMDR can help with the negative beliefs you develop about yourself as a result of anxiety and depression and heal from traumatic experiences. DBT is a form of CBT that helps with emotional dysregulation, distress tolerance, mindfulness, and communication skills.
Do you ever get distressing thoughts stuck in your head? Or an unwanted, disturbing image that pops up and causes you to panic? You might wonder, Why did I have this thought? Does this mean I wanted it? Does this mean I’m a bad person/a bad mom? Does this mean I’m going to act on it? Obsessions are repeated thoughts, images, or urges that are intrusive, unwanted, and make most people anxious, while compulsions are the repetitive rituals (behavioral or cognitive) a person feels the urge to do in order to relieve their anxiety. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) CAN be managed with evidence-based treatments, including Inference-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (I-CBT) and Exposure & Response Prevention (ERP). Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) can help with the negative beliefs you develop about yourself as a result of OCD and reduce the distress you feel as a result of intrusive thoughts and images.
Doctors in (and out of) training and their partners face unique demands that can strain their relationships, careers, and personal lives. I am a medical spouse and understand the ways that medical training impacts the well-being of doctors and their families due to moving, financial constraints, long and inflexible working hours, work environment, and frequent solo parenting by the non-medical partner. Let me help you survive and even thrive in these difficult years!
Military service members and their families face extraordinary challenges including frequent PCSing, deployments, last-minute orders, field training, absence of extended family support, and demanding work cultures. Service members and veterans often struggle with PTSD, anger management, and redeployment reintegration; their spouses may struggle to maintain a career and separate identity while PCSing and solo parenting. I am a veteran spouse myself and have worked with military children, service members, and spouses my entire career. I understand your unique lifestyle and challenges and am ready to help you!
Women are more likely to seek counseling than men and face unique changes and identity shifts in their lifetimes. Most women who work with me struggle with perfectionism, anxiety, and their relationships to their bodies and food. Many women also face difficulty juggling professional and caregiving roles (especially as mothers), identifying and navigating dysfunctional or abusive relationship patterns (including infidelity/betrayal trauma), and making decisions and plans based on these struggles. Whatever you’re facing, I can help you learn coping skills, heal from trauma, explore boundaries in your personal and professional relationships, set and prioritize goals, and act for change in your life. You don’t have to keep feeling stuck!
Adjustment to college, grad school, or your career after graduation can be extraordinarily difficult! During this in-between time, the responsibilities can be overwhelming and professional and personal relationships can be trying. Many young professionals struggle with panic and impostor syndrome in their new careers, and even a fear of being suddenly fired. On top of that, many people need to process relationships in their family of origin or prior romantic relationships and heal from dysfunctional patterns as they prepare the way for the rest of their adult lives. Life doesn’t get easier or simpler, but you will get stronger! I would love to help you as you navigate adulthood.
You may be struggling with parenting an intense child, coparenting effectively, helping your child navigate a difficult situation, or connecting with a preteen or teen - parenting is hard no matter what is going on! You might wonder, What am I doing wrong? Is something wrong with my child? If you’re struggling to connect to your child, stay calm through the intensity of your child’s emotions, or wish you knew how to create more positive interactions, there is hope! I can give you tools and perspective to help you shift your thoughts, communication, and actions in challenging moments. Schedules with kids are busy, so stay-at-home parents and working parents alike may find online counseling more accessible for their schedules and needs.
I have extensive experience helping adults of all ages navigate career changes and cope with feelings of burnout. The need for career counseling usually occurs alongside other major life transitions, such as adjustment to parenthood or divorce. Taking charge of your career results in better adjustment and satisfaction in other areas of your life, too. I have specialized training in career development and counseling to help you make the most of your career, explore and find meaning in all your life roles (paid and unpaid), and find a calling through which you can express your identity.
I have extensive experience working with and supporting LGBTQIA clients and provide a sex-positive, affirming space for you to discover your identity and work through current and past issues with your family of origin and other relationships. I am an advocate for social justice and passionate about empowering people to live their most authentic life.
I have a special interest in cross-cultural/multicultural issues and aim to understand how your multiple identities intersect and influence your life. I believe that people need to believed, understood, and accepted as we are. My therapeutic approach is always customized to each client’s needs and goals and I will work in partnership with you to select the best course of treatment.